
#Distributed_System #ZooKeeper
Zookeeper is a coordination kernel which can build new primitives(like distributed locks or leader election).


ZooKeeper exposes a Wait-free interface and an Event-driven mechanism to provide a simple and high-performance kernel.
Since it doesn’t use blocking primitives, slow clients do not negatively impact faster clients.

There are two types of znodes that a client can create:

Clients can additionally set a sequential flag when creating a znode. Nodes created with the sequential flag set have the value of a monotonically increasing counter appended to its name.

ZooKeeper allows clients to keep watches on znodes to receive notifications of changes without requiring polling. Watches are unregistered once triggered or once the session closes.

ZooKeeper guarantees FIFO client ordering of all operations and linearizable writes. These two guarantees along with the wait-free nature of the service enables an efficient implementation while being sufficient to implement coordination.

ZooKeeper uses a leader-based atomic broadcast protocol called Zab to guarantee that update operations satisfy linearizability. Read operations are fulfilled locally, that is ZooKeeper does not use Zab to totally order them. This is favorable to scale read throughput and benefits applications whose workloads are dominated by reads.

ZooKeeper Guarantees

Linearizable Writes

ZooKeeper guarantees that all requests that update the state are serializable and are delivered in order.

FIFO Client Order

Guaranteeing FIFO client order enables clients to submit operations asynchronously. With asynchronous operations, a client is able to have multiple outstanding operations at a time

Client API

The ZooKeeper API resembles that of a file system. Some important functions in the API are:

Building coordination primitives using ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper can be used to build both blocking and non-blocking primitives efficiently by taking advantage of its ordering guarantees.

ZooKeeper’s ordering guarantees allow efficient reasoning about system state, and watches allow for efficient waiting.

Configuration Management

In its simplest form configuration is stored in a znode, zc. Processes start up with the full pathname of zc. Starting processes obtain their configuration by reading zc with the watch flag set to true. If the configuration in zc is ever updated, the processes are notified and read the new configuration, again setting the watch flag to true

Group Membership

This is relatively simple if ephemeral znodes are used. A znode zg represents the group. A process that is member of the group creates an ephemeral child znode under zg. After the creation, the process does not need to do anything else. If the process fails or terminates, the child znode representing it is automatically removed.

To obtain group information or watch for group membership changes, processes can simply list all children of zg optionally setting the watch flag.

Simple Locks

Represent the lock by a designatd znode. To acquire a lock, a client tries to create the designated znode with the ephemeral flag. The client holds the lock if the creation is successful. Otherwise, the client can watch the znode to be notified of a lock release. A client releases the lock when it dies or explicitly deletes the znode.

Simple Locks without Herd Effect

The above simple locking protocol works but suffers from herd effect. All clients waiting to acquire a lock vie for the lock when the lock is released, even though only one client can acquire the lock.

To get rid of this herd effect, we can order the client’s attempt to acquire the lock with respect to all other attempts using the sequential flag when creating the lock znode. If the client’s znode has the lowest sequence number, the client holds the lock. Otherwise, the client watches the znode that precedes it. By only watching the znode that precedes the client’s znode, we avoid the herd effect by only waking up one process when a lock is released or a lock request is abandoned.

public class SimpleLockWithoutHerdEffect {
    private ZooKeeper zk;
    private String lockPath;
    private String lockZnode;

    public SimpleLockWithoutHerdEffect(ZooKeeper zk, String lockPath) {
        this.zk = zk;
        this.lockPath = lockPath;

    public boolean acquireLock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
        // Step 1: Create a sequential, ephemeral znode
        lockZnode = zk.create(lockPath + "/lock-", new byte[0],                               ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
        // Step 2: Get the list of znodes under the lock path
        List<String> children = zk.getChildren(lockPath, false);

        // Step 3: Find our position in the list
        String sequenceNode = lockZnode.substring(lockPath.length() + 1);
        int index = children.indexOf(sequenceNode);

        // Step 4: Check if we are the first node
        if (index == 0) {
            return true; // Acquired the lock

        // Step 5: Watch the node just before us
        String previousNode = children.get(index - 1);
        Stat stat = zk.exists(lockPath + "/" + previousNode, event -> {
            if (event.getType() == EventType.NodeDeleted) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    notifyAll(); // Notify this thread to re-check lock condition

        if (stat != null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                wait(); // Wait for notification of the previous node's deletion

        return true; // Acquired the lock after previous node deletion

    public void releaseLock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
        // Step 6: Delete our znode to release the lock
        if (lockZnode != null) {
            zk.delete(lockZnode, -1);
            lockZnode = null;

Read/Write Locks

To implement read/write locks, we differentiate between readers and writers. Writers must wait for all readers and other writers to release the lock, while readers can acquire the lock concurrently with other readers but not with writers.

public class ReadWriteLock {
    private ZooKeeper zk;
    private String lockPath;
    private String readLockPath;
    private String writeLockPath;
    private String lockZnode;

    public ReadWriteLock(ZooKeeper zk, String lockPath) {
        this.zk = zk;
        this.lockPath = lockPath;
        this.readLockPath = lockPath + "/readers";
        this.writeLockPath = lockPath + "/writers";

    public boolean acquireReadLock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
        // Create a read lock node
        lockZnode = zk.create(readLockPath + "/read-", new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
        // Check if there are any writer nodes
        List<String> writers = zk.getChildren(writeLockPath, false);
        return writers.isEmpty(); // Acquired read lock if no writers

    public boolean acquireWriteLock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
        // Create a write lock node
        lockZnode = zk.create(writeLockPath + "/write-", new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
        // Check if there are any reader or other writer nodes
        List<String> readers = zk.getChildren(readLockPath, false);
        List<String> writers = zk.getChildren(writeLockPath, false);

        return readers.isEmpty() && writers.size() == 1; // Acquired write lock if no readers and only this writer

    public void releaseLock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
        // Delete our znode to release the lock
        if (lockZnode != null) {
            zk.delete(lockZnode, -1);
            lockZnode = null;


Zookeeper maintains an In-memory database containing the entire data tree. Updates are efficiently logged to disk before being applied to the in-memory database.

Every Zookeeper server serves clients. Servers first prepare requests for execution in the Request Processor. Read requests are serviced from the local replica of each server database while write requests are processed using an agreement protocol (atomic broadcast).

By processing reads locally, ZooKeeper obtains excellent read performance because it is just an in-memory operation on the local server, and there is no disk activity or agreement protocol to run.

Write requests are forwarded to a single server (leader) and the rest of the servers (followers) receive message proposals for state changes from the leader and agree upon state changes.

Request Processor

Request processor transforms a client request, that changes state, into a transaction.
Unlike client requests, transactions are Idempotent Operations. On receiving a write request, the leader calculates what the state of the system will be when the write is applied and transforms it into a transaction that captures this new state.

Zookeeper guarantees that the local replicas never diverge, however, it is possible that at any point in time some replicas may have applied more transactions than others.

Atomic Broadcast

ZooKeeper uses Zab, an atomic broadcast protocol. Requests that update state are forwarded to the leader which then executes the request and broadcasts the change to followers through Zab. Response to the client request is sent when the corresponding state change is delivered by the server that received the request.

Since Zab uses simple majority quorums to decide on a proposal, ZooKeeper can only work if a majority of servers are healthy.

Zab guarantees that changes broadcast by a leader are delivered in the order that they are sent and all changes from previous leaders are delivered to an established leader before it broadcasts its own changes.

Message order is handled by TCP, simplifying the Zab implementation.
Zab may redeliver a message during recovery and ZooKeeper relies on Zab to redeliver at least all messages that were delivered after the start of the last snapshot.
Note that multiple deliveries are acceptable as long as they are delivered in order because of the idempotent nature of the transactions.

Snapshots and Recovery

ZooKeeper saves periodic snapshots of the state and thus, only requires redelivery of messages since the start of the snapshot. This helps a recovering ZooKeeper server to recover its internal state relatively quickly since it doesn’t have to replay all delivered messages since the beginning.

ZooKeeper snapshots are fuzzy since the ZooKeeper state is not locked to take the snapshot. Every znode is read atomically and written to the disk as part of the snapshot. The resulting snapshot may have applied some subset of the state changes delivered during the generation of the snapshot. This snapshot may not correspond to the state of ZooKeeper at any point in time.

This is not a problem because state changes are idempotent. Applying state changes more than once is fine as long as the state changes are applied in order. A server that recovers with a snapshot that does not correspond to a valid ZooKeeper state can still reconstruct the state because Zab redelivers the state changes to the server.
